(mellower, mellowest, mellows, mellowing, mellowed)
Mellow is used to describe things that have a pleasant, soft, rich colour, usually red, orange, yellow, or brown.
...the softer, mellower light of evening.
ADJ: usu ADJ n/colour
A mellow sound or flavour is pleasant, smooth, and rich.
His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality.
...a delightfully mellow, soft and balanced wine.
If someone mellows or if something mellows them, they become kinder or less extreme in their behaviour, especially as a result of growing older.
When the children married and had children of their own, he mellowed a little...
Marriage had not mellowed him.
VERB: V, V n
Mellow is also an adjective.
Is she more mellow and tolerant?
If someone is mellow, they feel very relaxed and cheerful, especially as the result of alcohol or good food. (INFORMAL)
He'd had a few glasses of champagne himself and was fairly mellow...